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Si të “fshish” dikë në Facebook, pa e hequr nga "friends"-at

Nuk duron dot më postime dhe "update"-imet e aplikacioneve që një një miku yt në Facebook vazhdon të publikojë? Apo ju dhe miku/mikesha juaj nuk keni shumë për t'i thënë njëri-tjetrit, por duhet ta mbash "friend" nga halli? Nëse heqja e atij personi nga lista e miqve të duket pak provokues, atëherë mëso si të mos e kesh më mik, pa e hequr nga "friends"-at:

1.Shamng së shikuesi "update"-imet, thjesht duke fshehur këtë njeri nga faqja jote. Pikërisht, duke lëvizur me mouse në një postim të tij, do të shfaqet një "x" ose "v" lart në të djathtë. Klikoje dhe pastaj zgjidh alternativën "Hide..."

2.Pasti "update"-et janë fshehur, do të shfaqen më tepër opsione. Kliko "Change what updates you get from" dhe më pas zgjidh impostimet e dëshiruara, duke vendosur ndoshta për vetëm më të rëndësishmet, "Only important".

3.Bëhu i pashikueshëm për atë njeri, nëse ai njeri bën komente të papërshtatshme në postimet e tua. Është e mundshme të modifikohen impostimet mbi privatësinë në mënyrë që të mos shihen e komentohen nga ky person. Shko te "Privacy Settins and Tools" dhe në seksioni "Who can see my stuff", mos zgjidh "Public", por "Custom", çka do të bëjë që të shihen vetëm nga persona të caktuar prej teje. Kurse te "Custom Privacy" në pjesën "Don't share this with", zgjidh emrin e personit që nuk dëshiron të shohë postime e "update"-imet e tua.

4.Fik funksionalitetin e "chat"-it për mikun në fjalë: shko poshtë në të djathtë te "chat"-i dhe kliko ikonën e ingranazhit; më pas "Avanced Settings". Në pjesën "Turn Off chat for" shkruaj emrin e personit të padëshiruar. Mund të vazhdojë të të dërgojë mesazhe, por këto mesazhe do të shkojnë në postën tënde, në vend që të shfaqen në dritaren e "chat"-it.

5.Miku yt nuk do të marrë asnjë informacion për atë që i ke "punuar". Mirëpo nëse keni miq të përbashkët që e kuptojnë, atëherë mund ta marrë vesh.

Na ndiqni per me shume ne :====>  https://www.facebook.com/myyalbaniaa

Fjolla Morina dhe Zajmina "deklarojnë" se janë lesbike?!

Ndoshta ky eshte provokacioni i radhes nga ana e dy kengetareve te njohura por e sigurt eshte qe kjo foto ka bere nje xhiro te madhe ne Rrjetet sociale ne internet!
Mos valle gocat jane lodhur me djemte...?! :)

Per me shume ne : https://www.facebook.com/myyalbaniaa

About Big!

About BigContacts:

BigContacts is a software company that was founded in 2006 with a singular focus on delivering cost-effective and user-friendly CRM Software to help small businesses manage their prospect and customer relationships. BigContacts is now a leading web based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software solution designed for small businesses that have outgrown basic solutions like Outlook, Excel or ACT but don't want the cost and complexity of CRM solutions like Salesforce.

Per me shume na ndiqni /More ?===> https://www.facebook.com/myyalbaniaa

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Mos e merrni seriozisht eshte thjeshte nje loje !  Funny foto ..

Na dniqni ne facebook : ====> https://www.facebook.com/myyalbaniaa

Me ke po puthet Sinani?

Pas duetit “Adrenalina” këngëtarët Sinan Hoxha dhe Seldi Qalliu, duket që janë ndier vërtet të ekzaltuar në ditët në vazhdim, ndërsa janë fotografuar tek festojnë në prag të festave të fundvitit në një nga lokalet e njohur në Tiranë.

Ai është shprehur për “Panorama Plus” se “jo vetëm që nuk ia kam dedikuar këngën asaj, por tashmë dhe emrin ia kishte harruar”. Ndërsa Sinani, gjatë një interviste ekskluzive dhënë gazetës “Panorama”, mohoi që kjo këngë t’i kushtohej një femre reale, siç ishte përfolur se mund të bëhej fjalë për ish-të dashurën e Seldit, Domenikën. Por nga ana tjetër, ai nuk mohoi që ideja për këtë bashkëpunim u lindi nga vëmendja publike që morën të dy, pas deklaratës së Domenikës, e cila pohoi se mes tyre nuk ekzistonte thjesht një miqësi.

(VIDEO) – Shqiptari therrë me thikë gjeneralin serb, pergjegjës për krimet në Srebrenicë

Shqiptari therrë me thikë gjeneralin serb, pergjegjës për krimet në Srebrenicë.
Sulmi eshte kryer si hakmarrje ndaj masakres se Srebrenices qe kryen serbet.

E dini si u be e famshme kjo kengetare?

Ata apo ato, qe e quajne veten "yje", dhe i kane vetes detyre te bejne emer ne fushen e kenges e te muzikes, kane gjetur nje metode te re pune, duke "kobashitur" tekse e melodi nga te tjeret, jo vetem nga fqinjet, por kapercejne edhe dete e oqeane deri ne Amerike per te huazuar (pse jo vjedhur) nga kenga e famshme e ketij shteti "I kissed a girl" a ta paraqisin si krijim origjinal te mendjes se tyre ne " Top Fest 6". Lista e "kleptoxhinjve" eshte e madhe e, qe ti renditesh te gjithe formohet nje liste litar e gjate, si, kengen e huaj"Zbam cie boli", artistet vjedhes e bejne te tyren, duke e privatizuar e pagezuar me emruar "Kush ka faj?". Ndersa tjetri, si prodhimtar e "kompozitor" i shquar, qe nuk ia ha kollaj qeni shkopin, nje kenge te njohur e ben "Me fal". (Mire se mund ta fale e dashura , por a e fal autori i saj?). Tjetra "kantautore" kengen e Preslava "Kogato samne" pasi e vjedh me "lezet" e shet si mall te saj me emrin "Cfare s'te pelqeu te une?" (mir e ka ajo, se e vjedhura eshte me e shijshme se e prodhuara vete). Nje kengetare e "madhe", nuk "kobashit" vetem "Jaduvan", por kjo per te humbur gjurmet i ve nje emer, qe nuk bie ere shqip, si "Nije ket sen". Tjetra, kengen e vjedhur "Karamel" e ben "Hej,Hej". Eshte nje thes i madh, me autore e kantautore vjedhes.Te ze tmerri kur sheh kengetare te ashtuquajtura "VIP", qe hidhen e perdridhen te zhveshura, si klloune cirku, se u mungon zeri. Kujt i ka qelluar te veje ne ndonje lokal te Tiranes, ku kendohet e kercehet dhe nuk e merr vesh ku ndodhet, ne Shqiperi apo jashte kufive te saj. Me qe emri lokalit eshte i huaj, edhe kenget qe kendohen aty duhet te jene te vjedhura nga te huajt. Aty do te degjosh kenge e melodi rome, turke, arabe apo te quajtura "tallava", vetem shqip s'te degjon veshi. Kur pyet ndonje nga keta fare kengetare "VIPA" apo "Rripa", qe gerrvishtin zerin me kenge te tilla, ne maje te gjuhes e kane pergjigjen: 'Njerezit i duan dhe ne i kendojme!". Po harrojne cilet njerez i duan, ata qe kane vajtur per te degjuar muzike te vertete apo ata qe duan te kullosin syte me hedhjet e perdredhjet e kengetareve te zhveshura?

Lexoni me shume per temën: Te "famshem" brenda nje nate tek www.albanians.gr

What conceal men from women?

Understand some things, for others are ready to learn everything he ç’bluan head. But it is now easier with 11 former revealed their secrets.
Secret no. 1: Yes, they attracted 10 times a day from other women, but that does not mean that we do not want
If the oldest question in the history of couples is: “what is for lunch?” What comes after is “I see him next?”. And the real answer would be: “Yes, I see.” And if we ever think that the partner did not notice it at all çupëlinën with tight blouse and a denim mini on top of kilometric legs, then we must learn that he has the ability to see clearly with averted eyes.
When a beautiful woman passes next to them and when she is wearing more and something provocative, even if they are associated, they have a very strong temptation to see. They know very well that we do not like it at all, but is really an instinctive magnets, activated in the eyes of men just a “subject” to the opposite pole and seductive scenery passes by.
Secret no. 2: He goes on the run to stay a bit away from you
Instead Vrapi and gyms can be or billiards. In fact it is not that he suddenly aware that the stomach is leaping over pants or belt is a great passionate following billiard, and may even be weak in that game, but he appears to leave us to complain over and over and children shouting so.
So it is not going to just run away. Even in the middle of the road they want to grab a couch lying in the salon with Kids shouting around. Well whenever leaving home for such a justification, which does not provide the ability to take us away, possibly do to get away.
Secret no. 3: They do not believe nor do we own promises
This is actually a little hard blow for us, so I say the most important in the beginning: They want us hard. They think they are fantastic (as long as it comes to a healthy connection). Most of the time they are happy to make the choice that we have stayed loyal spent a life with children, family and friends shared or front of the television in the living room.
But, most of them have not spent the most productive years thinking “I can not wait to fall in love with a girl and grow old with.” Instead certainly have wondered how many women like Pamela Anderson will sleep before crossing the 30s. And usually take a few years to get out of the mind that thought.
Secret no. 4: The acquisition of money makes them feel important
In some couples, women earn more. This is certainly a milestone for women, which are happy and men. If this in fact is what we say. In fact they are so proud, competitive, egomaniakë, as they do not easily accept. Of course there is that we believe that he would have easily cut when we cook them with the money earned buy themselves.
Secret no. 5: Although often protest, they are reluctant to regulate things around the house
You should pray daily for taps, cabinets doors, plaster ceiling, they finally after many objections, push oblivion take those tools that I did not even know the name of the starting job. But this delay is nothing more than a children’s game that they love. Because they really have fun with arranging things.
I do feel better when their hands to fix something without this intervention will remain broken forever (of course there are the carpenters and plumbers, knowing that they do in their home the same caprice). But why not aim ever say this is that women, in their opinion, could not make the difference between a tap Settings with garbage spilling, calling both men tasks that must be performed on weekends or less when more started a football game or car race. But they want it to repeat our prayer, anger, and our ease after a few minutes, a compliment and said casually and certainly not creaking stairs. Here was the secret out!
Secret No. 6: They like when përkëdhelim and care for them as mum, but is horrified by the idea that would become our mothers
For this want a strong slap. If we do not have what we do. Self is sought to learn the secrets. Then, not to justify, but did not put much blame. After all they have in-law.
Secret no. 7: every year (or decade) we want more
Of course, look like adults. Have some suits in wardrobe. Sometimes even ordering wine and undaunted. But although resemble their father when he was that age, they still feel they are four-year guys who pulled the father from the trouser legs.
With so many floors in the skyscraper attained to their emotional growth, they feel that they have just started to love us the way and strength that will do this when they are 40, 50 years and beyond. This certainly does not explain to us, because it sounded as if now we do not want.
It takes some time for them to assess the strengths beyond sexual partner. But the more mature, more like us, because our study to assess intellectual and spiritual dimensions, which initially did not put importance. Those expectations “in asset poverty,” “the best of the worst” does not come before the start. In those rare times they were not aware of what made aware of before.
Secret no. 8: They often do not quite understand the conversation
All day we think some complicated issues in depth about connectivity. And when you get back home want to discuss about them. During these discussions to be envied neither more nor less is a philosopher or psychologist, sitting in front of your partner occasionally muttering phrases like “Definitely, the figure”, “This is the logical” or “I will try to make things better.”
Well he is not understanding anything. Neither makes little sense to all this. And really would not repeat the mistakes I understand what you are talking about. It’s not that he does not care. But where we have the ability to knit and analyze issues an opinion that corresponds to the sport.
Secret no. 9: They are very afraid when we are at the wheel
Want to know how to lay your husband strong and invincible in a chilling measure fear? Ask the car keys. They are afraid of death when we stand at the wheel. Even though he may have developed methods to avoid diplomatic moment when we seek to lead the car to sit in the driver’s seat, he has a great distrust of our ability in this regard. You’re already convinced that makes it better and that he was just losing heart rate that you provoked not by love partner.
Secret no. 10: They always wanted to be 25 years
Almost all young troubles, adventures, concerts, camping, trips have not missed test. And have more right to feel nostalgia for them. Were glorious times when confident and hope to touch the sky almost insane. Demand for accountability, no responsibility, whole engagement was, as many women, drink, high waves and difficult road.
Now certainly have comfort, a woman who will love life, that’s their choice, a comfortable job, but we want ama though, was not shared nor soul from life style, at least in retrospect there rail. So that should not be criticized when bringing cd and rock groups at home, or have to worry as those gloves of meshini.
Secret no. 11: I give a little, we are ready to give the world
There might have been some of their most important decision in life in terms of their marriage had taken after a moment of reflection, away from the eyes of the girl who love and caresses of her. Perhaps lying on board a boat to paddle in the waters of a sea, where it did not stop the move, or at a cabin in the mountains, where it still is not showing suspicious before congratulating them make merry.
They know that it pays a woman and value. This is the most important thing that a male does not mean never, if it allows to pass a night with friends, forgotten in a poker evening, go for fish or just driving, I will never forget and never will ç’pandehim evaluate more than us. And will rarely want to leave just such a partner. This is true

Betrayal: Women prefer men with belly

Beautiful body, with muscles and palestruar: everyone thinks that this is an image of a man who would “çmendte” every woman. But it seems that things have changed. A recent survey has shown that women “prefer” to have a passionate story of men who have betrayed the abdomen. Find out below …
Most men “run” to gyms to have a more perfect physical, with muscles as the tonifikuar. It was not just satisfied with himself, but also to attract women. But, apparently, fashion is changing with natural athlete! Ladies and misses that aim to betray their partners, prefer men with a pound of belly more …
An Italian portal online meetings conducted a survey including a full thousand women. In this survey they were asked what kind of husband would prefer if they betray their partner? The answer was clear: 47% of them stated they prefer men with big belly dumpling and do not care about their physique. But what is the motive? According to them, a man who spends many hours in the gym does not find time for his partner. His only interest, according to them, the bulging muscles are tight. So it is a kind of narcissism noted, where man is interested only be as muscular. The perception of the respondents did not at all surprised portal founder, Alex Fantini. According to him, women actually prefer to be part of a small adventure. This makes them more vivid fantasies of concrete and there is nothing more concrete than a man who loves the kitchen.
But those involved with fitness?
They can continue to sleep comfortably. However there are still women who want and love with the most perfect form. In fact 34% of women who participated in the survey admitted that men prefer dealing with fitness and all those muscles, obviously. “It is true that trends can vary from season to season, but there is some truth never fade. A beautiful body will always remain preferred by women, “said Fantini.
Mental Component
19% of women surveyed stated they did not pay attention to physical fitness, but they are guided by feelings. “Mental Component has always been crucial for any relationship, even more when it comes to adultery,” concluded Fantini.
Adultery, guns in the hands of women
There are rare cases where a betrayal used to attract the attention of the partner. She feels neglected, the old bond between them is stronger and the relationship has fallen into crisis. “How do you get things back as they were before? If he is jealous, they will realize that I am here, “a woman may think. In other cases, many women follow their partner. If he betrays, it does the same thing. Thus, he will understand how she feels. But is this a way to show that his betrayal makes it feel worse, or perhaps finally emerged its true character? She uses his treachery to be justified for an action that may not have dared to various reasons to do before? Others think that a woman does not need at all for the reason. It betrays and so.

Vlorë County , Best ever

The County of Vlorë (Albanian: Qarku i Vlorës) is one of the 12 counties ofAlbania. It consists of the districts Delvinë, Sarandë and Vlorë and its capital isVlorë.[2] As of January 1, 2010 the population of the Vlore District was estimated to be 211,773.[1] Vlorë's western and southern edges are the shorelines of the Strait of Otranto, which separates it from the island of Corfu. The County forms the integral part of the Albanian Riviera. In the far southeast it has a small border with Greece. Its population includes a Greek minority. Domestically, it borders the following counties Fier County to the north and Gjirokastër County to the east.

The modern name for Vlorë is the Albanian form Vlorë or Vlora, pronounced [ˈvlɔɾə], while in the Gheg Albanian dialect it is known as Vlonë.[3] Vlorë was created in antiquity as a Greek colony in the territory of Illyria. Its first name, still used today in Greece, is Aulón (Greek: Αυλών), which means valley and may have been a reinterpretation of a pre-Greek name.[4] In early 20th century, Vlorë was referred to in English as Avlona or by the Italian name Valona.[5] During the Ottoman era, theTurkish name Avlonya was also used.[6]

In antiquity the region was inhabited by the Greek tribe of the Chaonians. The Ancient Greeks developed the town of Sarandë which they referred to asOnchesmos (or Anchiasmos)[7][8][9] Onchesmos flourished as the port of the Chaonian capital of Phoenice[10][11] (modern-day Finiq). Further north another Chaonian settlement was founded, Himarë,[12] while the Corinthians found the colony of Aulon at the bay of Vlorë. Additional ancient settlements in the region included Thronium, Amantia, Oricum.

In the Middle Ages, the region was part of the Byzantine Empire, while during the Slavic invasion there is evidence the Byzantine rule was maintained in the area.[13]

In 1204 the region became part of the Despotate of Epirus but returned to the Byzantine Empire. In 1335 Albanian tribes descended south and were in possession of the area between Berat and the bay of Vlore,[14] while in 1345 after the Serbian invasion an independent principality was formed in Vlorë.

In the middle of the 14th century the aristocratic Delvina family ruled Delvinë and in 1354, Mehmet Ali Pasha Delvina was testified as the owner of the castle and the city.

Vlorë County is located in the south of Albania and forms the Albanian Riviera. The southeastern part of the county borders Greece. The county has a total area of 2,706 km2 (1,044.8 sq mi). The three main cities are Vlorë, Sarandë and Delvinë.

Come on to Dhermi

Dhërmi (Greek: Δρυμάδες, Drymades) is one of the nine villages of the Himararegion/municipality, in Albania. The village lies 42 kilometers south of the city of Vlorë(the capital of the Prefecture) and about the same distance north of the southern city of Sarandë. The village is built on a slope of the Ceraunian Mountains, at approximately 200 meters in altitude. The mountains descend to the southwest into the Ionian coast and Corfu in the distance to the south. Nearby is the village of Palasë. The inhabitants of Dhërmi speak a variant of the Himariote Greek dialect, characterized by archaic features not retained in modern Greek.[1][2] Recently, the coastal area has seen a boom in the construction of accommodation facilities, such as wooden villa complexes. In addition, it is considered by the Albanian youth as a nightlife destination.

The foundation of the village is lost in the history. Himara, where Dhermi is included, has been inhabited by the Epirote tribe of Chaonians.

Players vs. Animals

Professional athletes are usually pretty competitive individuals. If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be professional athletes to begin with. A serious competitive drive is one of the fundamentals of the job.

Another characteristic most of them share is a healthy ego. A very healthy ego. They're rich and famous and constantly being propped up by an army of adoring fans.

That kind of positive reinforcement is good to a point. But if an athlete is constantly being fed a steady stream of BS, eventually high self-esteem will give way to clouded delusions of grandeur.

The next thing you know, he's challenging a kangaroo to a pay-per-view boxing match. Or throwing down with a with a hostile weasel, before being sliced up by its razor-sharp teeth.

Every now and again an athlete has a very public tangle with a wild animal. Sometimes it's a carefully planned event and other times it's more of an unpleasant surprise. Either way, the animal usually wins.

Let's take a look at some athletes and animals who have gone mano a...animal.

Morning Sex

Your woman most likely does not want to be greeted immediately by your erect peenish waving in her face, so take it easy. Touch her softly and slowly. Give her little kisses all over her face and body. Let your fingers play with her hair. This sensual approach will ensure that she wakes up in a positive, loving mood and makes it much more likely that she’ll take pleasure in morning sex. If you need more tips for waking a sleeping woman, check out our piece on How To Seduce A Sleeping Woman.

Make her feel sexy

Your girl may not feel very sexy when she first wakes up, so to get her in the mood be sure to tell her how beautiful she is -- even if she’s a bit of a mess. Ignore the disheveled hair, the pillow creases on her face and her less-than-pleasant morning breath, and tell her how badly you want her. If you find it difficult to keep a straight face while telling her how hot she is first thing in the morning, try using a position that doesn’t put you face to face. Spooning her from behind is romantic and sensual, while it also conveniently allows you to avoid the misery of morning breath.

start your day with a bang

Getting busy in the morning can be an excellent start to your day. It gets the feel-good hormones pumping and puts a smile on your face, making it much easier to put up with whatever hassles your day brings. Like anything, having morning sex every single day will get old after a while, especially for your girlfriend who typically does not peak sexually in the morning hours like you do, so be sure to mix it up and get busy at other times of the day too.

And there you have it; some easy ways to keep her satisfied and get a little satisfaction of your own at the same time. If you want her to be addicted to you, check out AM's From The Bar To The Bedroom and go crazy.

Read more: http://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip_60/62b_love_tip.html#ixzz2b4yXEP3I

Berisha: “Trust us so we can keep building” – English Edition

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, visited some communes in Mat, Diber, where he inaugurated an aqueduct that will offer tap water to 2000 residents.
The new road at the Lis commune, Mat, besides bringing out of isolation thousands of residents, reveals a new wonderful panorama of the area. The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, decalred that the investments in the next four years will increase, in order to fully develop this area, especially after the Arber Road will be over.
“We don’t want your votes for what we have done, but what has been done is your trust for what we will do. I invite you to keep on with the big changes that we are realizing. This road needs to end in Diber. Those who brought it up to here will send it to Diber. The next road will end in Rreshen, and those who built half of it, will also build the other half. We are determined to not abandon a single meter of the Albanian territory, where our citizens live”, Berisha declared.
The Prime Minister declared that although the investments have been doubled only in the last mandate, there is still a lot to be done,a nd this is the reason why he wants another mandate. He is convinced that the Albanians will trust to the Democratic Party alternative by saying no to the blocking model of Edi Rama, who wants to protect his interests.
“His model is the one that the Tirana citizens wanted to change. Tirana changed him and now he thinks that he will return again. Mr.Rama, we will continue our work for new roads. We will continue building schools, canals and new aqueducts. We will continue our path towards the European Integration. Mr.Rama, you blocked the three laws, but the June 23rd elections is the judgement day for the Albanian citizens. This is the day of the verdict, and you will have nothing more than the next defeat. You are used with defeats”, Berisha declared.

Station Domination, HumaneWatch Style

If you live in the D.C. area and commute on the Metro, you probably have no shortage of gripes, whether it’s waiting 8 minutes for a train during rush hour, cars without A/C, tourists who don’t understand “walk left, stand right,” the ancient trains, or simply the weird smells. But we’re hoping to make some commutes a bit more interesting.

We’ve taken out HumaneWatch ads all over Union Station, which also serves as a nexus for rail commuters and is located just a few blocks from the Capitol as well as in Metro cars throughout the system. You can see them below. For a system that gets 150 million trips a month, a lot of people are going to learn the truth about the Humane Society of the U.S.

HSUS is There—Padding its Bank Account

Of all the self-serving promotions that the Humane Society of the United States churns out—and it puts out a lot, with CharityWatch finding that HSUS spends up to a whopping 48 cents to raise every dollar—the most nauseating is perhaps HSUS’s new motto of “We’re There,” which is the slogan of a defensive radio ad in the D.C. area that comes on the heels of our hard-hitting D.C. Metro and Roll Callads. If you wonder about our distaste, just look at the latest news coming from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman regarding Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

We noted before that Schneiderman asked about 100 charities, including HSUS, that engaged in Sandy-related fundraising to report to his office how much they were spending on Sandy relief efforts. On Wednesday, Schneiderman reported that as of April some nonprofits were still holding donations. In the case of HSUS, a more appropriate word might be “hoarding.”

The 89 charities reported to Scheiderman’s office that they raised more than $500 million, yet only 57 percent of that money has been spent on Sandy relief. The most recent documentation for HSUS, an April letter signed by its general counsel, reports that HSUS raised over $2.2 million for its Disaster Relief Fund in the months following Sandy and had spent only 33 percent—or $731,000—on Sandy relief. That’s roughly on par with what we reported about previous HSUS filings showing that HSUS had spent 35 percent of the money it raised on Sandy relief. We don’t know if they’re counting the money spent on camera crews and video personnel that HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle had in tow when he visited affected areas to document any possible good deed he performed.

HSUS is excusing itself by saying it never solicited for Sandy specifically and that it honored donations that donors–on their own initiative–earmarked for Sandy relief. And that may be correct. But this is a $70 billion disaster. There are still groups in the affected area, like the Monmouth County SPCA, that need help. And yet, according to the latest data, $1.5 million that HSUS raised has not been spent on Sandy relief.

HSUS certainly is “there” when disasters happen—looking for a cash haul. That’s called taking the low road.

Sanctions Tethered to Law Firm in Failed Circus Case

We wrote last week about the court order finding that animal rights groups, including the Fund for Animals, an affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States, are liable for yet-undetermined attorneys’ fees after their lengthy and failed litigation against Feld Entertainment, owner of the Ringling Bros. circus. (Feld says its defense bill exceeds $20 million.) The order also dealt with a Feld request to sanction the attorneys involved, two of whom are now at HSUS but worked for the plaintiffs’ law firm, Meyer, Glitzenstein, and Crystal (MGC), for a time during the litigation.

The court partly granted the request for sanctions, finding

clear and convincing evidence [that] sanctions against Katherine Meyer and her law firm, MGC, are warranted for her participation in [key witness Tom] Rider’s response to his 2004 interrogatories.15

As set forth in detail in the 2009 Opinion and supra, Rider lied when answering FEI’s [Feld’s] 2004 interrogatory asking whether he had received any compensation from any animal advocate or animal advocacy organization for services rendered. Rider stated – under oath – “I have not received any such compensation” when in fact he had already received more than $50,000.00 from his co-plaintiffs. FOF 55. Further, the record clearly and convincingly established that Ms. Meyer, who signed the objections to the false response, had been paying Rider through her law firm and WAP since 2001…

(WAP refers to the “Wildlife Advocacy Project,” which was operated by Meyer and her colleague and was used as a vehicle to pay Rider. According to court documents, HSUS apparently sent four payments to WAP.)

The sanction is that Meyer “may be held liable for FEI’s attorneys’ fees incurred in litigating the portion of its Motion to Compel which sought information about Rider’s financial relationship with animal rights advocates.” It’s unclear how much that will be valued at, but the lawyers will presumably eventually hash it out with the court.

Meyer, by the way, is the same attorney who told a court in a separate 2003 case that her clients, including some of the same parties in this Feld case (plus PETA), would rather see elephants dead than living in captivity. No joke.

However, the court found that Feld did not meet the burden of proof for sanctions against the others, including the two HSUS attorneys:

The primary basis upon which FEI asserts the court should hold counsel liable is – phrased bluntly – FEI’s claim that counsel bribed Rider to testify falsely. Mot. for Fees 42-43. The Court does not have an adequate record to make such a finding.

In short, although “plaintiffs and their counsel sought to conceal, at least in part, the payments from FEI,” it is not established that “counsel knew Rider had no attachment to the animals but paid him to lie, under oath, and say that he did.”

It’s unclear how or if this will affect Feld’s RICO lawsuit against HSUS, the two HSUS lawyers, and others. The burdens of proof required and case law surrounding sanctions vs. RICO law are presumably much different. (We’re not legal experts.) And the RICO suit is just entering discovery. Will it turn up documents that add evidence to the record?

We’ll have to wait and see.

Injunction extended on Wisconsin abortion law

Injunction extended on Wisconsin abortion law

A federal judge extended a preliminary injunction Friday blocking a Wisconsin law that would require abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinics and a mandatory ultrasound before a woman receives an abortion.
U.S. District Judge William Conley issued a temporary restraining order July 8. The new injunction extends through a trial over the law's constitutionality that is scheduled to start Nov. 25. The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin had challenged the law signed by Republican Gov. Scott Walker last month, saying it would shutter half of the state's four clinics.
"Given the substantial likelihood of success on the merits and of irreparable harm, the public's interest is best serviced by imposing a preliminary injunction on enforcement of the admitting privileges requirement until this court can address its merits after trial," Conley wrote.
In an interview Friday during the National Governors Association meeting in Milwaukee, Walker played down the importance of the law in the context of his overall record.
"In the last two and a half years, I have signed hundreds and hundreds of bills into law; about 96 percent of them have been bipartisan," he said. "I think I've signed four or five that have to do in any way with abortion."
But Alexa Kolbi-Molinas, a staff attorney with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, described the measure as part of a broader attack on women's rights.
Several abortion-related laws enacted this year have been barred or face serious legal challenges. Federal district courts blocked similar laws in Alabama and Mississippi, and a North Dakota trial court blocked a law requiring hospital admitting privileges last month.
"This law is just one in an already too-long list of legislation passed this year and designed solely to interfere with a woman's private medical decisions," Kolbi-Molinas said in a statement. "We will not stand silent as extremist politicians attempt to take away women's access to safe and legal abortion care."

Packers kickers battle at packed Lambeau

GREEN BAY — Mason Crosby chuckled when Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy inadvertently referred to Giorgio Tavecchio, Crosby's young adversary this summer, as "Sergio" this week.
Crosby will be just fine as long as he sees his name listed in some form on the Packers' season-opening roster in about a month.
The seventh-year veteran is being challenged for the first time in training camp since his rookie season by Tavecchio, a first-year hopeful.
The two kickers took their showdown under the lights before a packed house at Lambeau Field on Saturday night. A record crowd of 63,047 turned out for Green Bay's annual Family Night scrimmage.
But Crosby has had better days in front of the hometown fans.
"Mason Crosby is competing for a job on our football team, like everyone else," McCarthy said after the scrimmage. "He definitely didn't take a step in the right direction with his performance."
McCarthy gave his two kickers plenty of opportunities to trade kicks.
And the left-footed Tavecchio, signed off the street in the offseason, may have gotten a leg up on veteran incumbent Crosby, who struggled in an extensive field-goal session to conclude the 90-minute scrimmage before a loud hometown audience.
While Crosby missed four of six attempts, Tavecchio went 5 of 6 as they alternated kicks from the same distances in what was called a "field-goal competition" on the scrimmage sheet.
"I've been hitting the ball well (this preseason). Obviously, I'm extremely disappointed with how I hit it tonight," Crosby said. "I'll have to evaluate that, break it down and then . I can't think about things like that.
"I just have to go in, now I've got to work on things and make sure I hit the ball through the uprights. That's all I can really worry about and focus on right now."
Crosby insisted his frequency of misses in the scrimmage - he went 3 for 8 in field-goal situations, including a 48-yard try that hit off the right post in an earlier drill - isn't a carryover from last season. He made a league-worst 63.6 percent of his field goals (21-for-33) in the regular season.
"Man, I'm way past that," Crosby said. "It was just a night I didn't hit the ball the way I wanted to, I didn't hit it on the lines I wanted to. I had great lift, I hit some good balls, but I just picked some bad lines."
McCarthy said Crosby's wobbly performance in game-like conditions with the crowd encouraged to cheer and yell during the kicking segments would be taken into consideration as roster decisions are made.
"That's what Family Night's for," McCarthy said. "He'll be evaluated. He's definitely got to do better than that because that's not going to cut it."
Veteran quarterback Aaron Rodgers remains in Crosby's corner and isn't concerned by what he witnessed from the Packers' sideline Saturday.
"I fully expect him to be our kicker, and he's made some big kicks for us since 2007," Rodgers said. "I think he's got one of the biggest legs in the league, and it's very much a matter of being consistent and I'm counting on him, as are the rest of us."
Tavecchio could spoil those plans, however, as the Packers get ready to start their preseason schedule of games Aug. 9 against the Arizona Cardinals, back in Lambeau.
A year after the then-undrafted rookie out of Cal lost a camp battle to veteran David Akers with the San Francisco 49ers, Tavecchio looks to be a serious candidate for the job in Green Bay this August.
Tavecchio went 6 for 7 on field goals in the scrimmage, as he kicked on the Lambeau turf for the first time.
"It's sweet, especially a place like Lambeau Field," Tavecchio said. "It's world renowned for its history in the NFL, so it's a pretty special place.
"I feel like I had a decent day out there. (But) I've got to watch the film because right now I've got my emotions flowing through me, as I'm a little bit biased as to how I felt about it. But we'll see tomorrow. It was a blessing to be out there. The fans were great."
And Tavecchio wasn't ready to declare himself the early front-runner in the big camp battle that has ensued.
In fact, he felt empathy for Crosby as he stood near his competitor on the field during his misses at the end of the scrimmage.
"I feel for him," Tavecchio said. "He's a fellow kicker, and I thought he struck the ball well today. I think he struck the ball better than I did, but the results don't show that, and that's the frustrating part as a kicker."
Other highlights from the scrimmage included Rodgers leading a 10-play, 80-yard drive in the first team segment, culminating with his 7-yard touchdown pass to tight end D.J. Williams on third-and-goal.
It turned out to be the only series of the night for Rodgers and most of first-stringers on offense.
"That was the plan the whole time," Rodgers said. "It was Family Night, and I haven't had the best Family Nights. So it was nice to go down and get a touchdown and let the other guys get in there and get some work."
Wide receiver Jordy Nelson was held out of the scrimmage because of a knee injury he aggravated earlier in the week.
Rookie running backs Eddie Lacy and Johnathan Franklin played a lot. Lacy, a second-round draft pick, had a couple big runs.
B.J. Coleman, a second-year player who is battling Graham Harrell to be Rodgers' top backup, threw a pair of interceptions.
First-year cornerback James Nixon had the first pick and returned it 66 yards for a touchdown.
NOTES: The Packers didn't have 16 players participate in the scrimmage. Besides Nelson, notable players who are nursing injuries are RB DuJuan Harris (knee), OT Derek Sherrod (knee), DE Mike Neal (abdomen) and CBs Tramon Williams (knee) and Casey Hayward (hamstring). Harris, Sherrod and Neal are on the physically unable to perform list. . TE Ryan Taylor was taken to the locker room on a cart during the scrimmage. The nature of the injury wasn't disclosed by McCarthy. . The scrimmage was announced as a sellout in early July with nearly 75,000 tickets sold for $10 apiece. Saturday night's announced attendance topped the previous Family Night scrimmage record of 62,701 in 2006.

Right-Wing Involved in Spies’Accusations

“Pole of Freedom” to Sue DP Vice-Chairman

The Right-wing representatives were involved on Friday in mutual accusations over the candidacy of former State Sigurimi (Intelligence Service) collaborators.
The head of “Pole of Freedom”, Aleksandër Meksi accused the representatives of Democratic Party (DP)of being former Sigurimi collaborators while the DP vice-chairman, Jozefina Topalli declared that former Sigurimi spies are heading the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).
Asked about Meksi’s stance, the DP vice-chairman declared that if there are former spies who run for the next elections, the responsibility falls on the non-decreeing of the Files’Law.
“The President of the Republic never signed this law. I am working with Venice Commission to make this happen. I am not able to say whether the electoral lists have been examined or not,” Topalli declared during a television program. She added that the CDP has presented candidates who have been collaborators of former Sigurimi.
“Necessarily the politicians, from the President of the Republic to the last deputy, had to be “scanned” in order to see whether they have ever been part of the State Sigurimi structures”. That was the response of the DP vice-chairman, Jozefina Topalli, during a television program to a question on the declaration of former Democrat Premier, Aleksandër Meksi whereby the DP has included former spies in its electoral list.

On the other hand, the CDP chairman, Nard Ndoka declared that he would file a sue against the DP vice-chairman for slander.
“We will present Topalli’s slanders to the Prosecution. Our file will be in the Prosecution tomorrow. We will denounce even police for distorting the image of Aleksander Keka. The insults and the slanders of Topalli are unacceptable”, Ndoka said on Friday during a television program.
He added that the DP leader, Sali Berisha considers Jozefina Topalli a “non-gratta” person now. “The first sacrifice after the loss of elections will be her. She is a “non-gratta” person in the district of Shkodra. Every shadow of doubt falls on her. I have many evidences, filmed by our supporters, showing Topalli using a banal and low vocabulary. Despite the evidences we possess, we are reserved in their publication,” CDP leader said.
Furthermore, the head of “Pole of Freedom,” Aleksandër Meksi increased the dose of criticisms declaring that the former spies are heading the DP’s electoral list. “As President Bamir Topi has declared, there are former spies who have run for the next elections. May be it is worthy for the President to unveil who are they. I can identify them in the big parties but not in the small parties and I don’t believe you can find such in the latter”, former Premier Meksi declared.


Blerta Sulhasi, Health and Social Welfare Group Fellow

Blerta’s HF leadership project aimed to establish a School-based Psychological Services Program, removing barriers to adolescents’ access to mental health services, and preventing and treating mental and emotional health problems among youth. The project, by design, identifies, prevents, and treats mental health issues. It also improves the availability of mental health services in general. Through successful use of this strategy, the project will contribute to students’ better academic performance by decreasing absenteeism, tardiness, and school discipline or behavior problems – factors which impact students’ focus and engagement in the classroom. Project objectives: (1) to build the capacity of schools to increase prevention and mental health promotion programs and services in the school setting for all students; (2) to increase student access to quality mental health services; (3) to increase all students’ developmental and academic success; and (4) convince the MoE to implement student counseling services across more regions of Kosova.

Since being back from Washington Leadership Program through Hope Fellowships, Blerta started implementation of her project, precisely in mid January 2012 and finalized it in July 2012. The project activities included: Group Meetings, Individual Meetings, Radio Shows, and the establishment of a project Web-Page.

GROUP MEETINGS: Once a week, groups of students with 10-12 students each, and with two leading psychologists, got together on school grounds, to discuss mental health concerns. They also participated in different psychological activities for 7 weeks. Overall, 90 students were involved in these meetings.

INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: Two psychologists held individual sessions for those students in need. The psychologists filling this role were already serving as psychology teachers in the participating school. One of the psychologists was the Program Director, Ms. Blerta Sulhasi and the other was a teacher of psychology at the High School Gymnasium “H.Dushi.” Students that were referred by teachers or student leaders, or were self “walk-ins,” could access this service.

WEB PAGE: The Program’s internet page on Facebook, provides up-to-date information assisting students, parents, mental health professionals and educators promote the mental health of students, and conduct awareness-raising about adolescents’ mental health. On this site, students and parents have access to psychological articles, and can find links to mental health resources. This web page aims to provide users with tools that prevent and reduce symptoms of mental/emotional health issues. It also encourages users to consider the many ways they can strengthen and promote good mental health skills and recommit themselves to adolescent’s positive mental health development.

RADIO SHOW –SBPSP aired a weekly Radio Show on Radio Gjakova between February and July 2012. In partnership with Radio Gjakova, SBPSP used the radio program to dramatically increase the reach of SBPSP’s message and information, especially to adolescents and parents wanting to learn more about psychological issues. SBPSP invited different mental health professionals each week to serve as guest experts. The SBPSP Program Director, Blerta Sulhasi, used the first show to introduce the public to the School-Based Psychological Services Program. Ms. Sulhasi also shared her Hope Fellowship Program experiences from Prishtina and Washington DC. During the second week, SBPSP invited the executive director of the NGO, Children for Tomorrow – Kosova, as a guest of the show. Children for Tomorrow talked about the activities they provide, and gave more information on where Gjakova’s adolescents can go to find psychological services. Ms. Sulhasi and Children for Tomorrow (CFT) – Kosova, also spoke about the partnership between the School-Based Psychological Services Program and CFT. The next 16 radio shows discussed: Adolescence, Depression, Stress, Drugs, Bullying, Aggression, Conflict Resolution, Eating Disorders, Interpersonal Relationships, the role of school psychologists in Kosova, Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and so on.

Conclusion: The School-based Psychological Services Program pilot project started as planned in January 2012. Activities that were part of this pilot project, and that have been completed as of July 2012, include: Meetings with Hajdar Dushi’s school principal, psychologists, Children for Tomorrow’s director and staff (SBPSP’s partner NGO); 20 individual sessions; 56 weekly group meetings with students; The creation and maintenance of SBPSP’s web page and the development and commencement of a weekly SBPSP radio show. This pilot project, has served more than 100 students from Gjakova and Obliq, Kosovo. Additionally, various magazines, newspapers and national TV have run stories about the program and its importance to young people.

“If the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health adopt this program for the long term, we will begin to see a real improvement in the mental health of students” added Blerta.

SOS Children Villages Kosovo became a full member of SOS Kinderdorf International

Certificate of Membership – in July 2012, SOS Children Villages Kosovo became a full member of SOS Kinderdorf International. Certificate was handed over to National Director, Ms. Ramadani-Salihu (Hope Fellow) by the President of SOS KDI Mr. Helmut Kutin at the General Assembly in Innsbruck. Also listen and watch the speech by Secretary General Mr. Richard Pichler, and National Director of SOS Kosova Ms. Nezahat Ramadani Salihu. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Fellowships/238306759763?ref=hl#!/photo.php?v=4288214773350

Picture: Handover of the membership certificate by President Helmut Kutin and Secretary General Richard Pichler to the National Director, Ms. Ramadani-Salihu also a Hope Fellow of Health and Social Welfare group.


May is Mental Health Month, the theme to which is ‘Pathways to wellness. This month will give us focus on raising public awareness about the importance of mental health in people’s lives.

Kosovo has an urgent need to promote and improve mental health care programming, including treatment and awareness programs, instead of merely allowing the shame and stigma of emotional health challenges to continue. A School-based Psychological Services Program (SBPSP) is at the center of this call for action.

The SBPSP program offers psychosocial services and counseling for adolescents, by a team of psychologists. The purpose of the SBPSP is to remove barriers to accessing mental health services, and prevent and treat mental health problems among youth. It lays the foundation for a potential expansion of mental health services in Kosovo’s schools. The SBPSP program was implemented at the Gymnasium High-School “Hajdar Dushi”, in Gjakova, and “17 Shkurti”, in Obiliq, Kosovo.

Long-term application and expansion of the SBPSP program into Kosovar schools will contribute to better academic performance; will reduce disruptive behaviors in the classroom; reduce student absenteeism; reduce student conflict; and raise student motivation to study more – all these factors which contribute to more positive student concentration and involvement in class.

According to psychological studies, it is not enough for youth to get help from only family members and friends. Twenty percent of adolescents need counseling from mental health professionals.“Psychologist placement into primary and secondary schools must be done immediately. This will positively impact students’ environment and academic performance.” – says psychologist Blerta Sulhasi, SBPSP Program Director and Hope Fellow.

Even though many Kosovars have mental health challenges, it is still very difficult for people to talk about it, due to shame, fear and misperceptions. If we talk openly about mental health, as community members, we will make accessibility easier for people in need for these services.

All of us – parents, teachers, friends, journalists – can help raise awareness and overcome the stigma around mental health. Now, more than never, as a post-war country, it is time to talk about mental health issues at schools, in the media, families, at youth and other community centers, all over Kosovo.

Welcome to Hope Fellowships

Hope Fellowship was established by the National Albanian American Council (NAAC) and is funded from the American People through USAID to strengthen the role of women in policy and decision-making in the Balkans. The program operates in Kosovo, empowering women leaders to create collaborative, sustainable, positive change in government, civil society, and business that strengthen the democratic process and promotes prosperity for all peoples in the country. NAAC’s aim is to contribute to the development of the Balkans by offering concrete support in the form of educational opportunities and tools to foster democratic participation.
Hope Fellowship Phase V

NAAC-HF launched phase V, Women in Governance and Economy Program in December 2012. Women in Governance and Economy Program goals are to: (1) Reinforce and enhance women’s positions and participation at the municipal and national government level to positively impact the process of democracy consolidation and economic development and (2) Empower women professionals to advocate as one voice for inclusive and developmental policies in the state building process in Kosovo.

The overall HF Phase V, Women in Governance and Economy Program goals will be reached through the following objectives:

Objective 1: Increase women’s capacity to support Kosovo’s governance and economic ability.
Objective 2: Enable professional knowledge and first hand democratic leadership experience to women in governance and economic decision-making.
Objective 3: Create a foundation for HF women professional’s network to advocate for the needed reforms in country.
Objective 4: Enable opportunities for fellows to practice voluntarism and induce the leadership ambition of HF, “giving back” to the community.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Michelle Godette was sworn in today as the U.S. Agency for International Development Mission Director to Guinea and Sierra Leone. The mission is based in Conakry, Guinea, but supports programs in both Guinea and Sierra Leone in agriculture, democracy and human rights, environment, gender equality, and global health.
 Prior to this assignment, Ms. Godette served as deputy mission director in Nigeria, helping to lead the implementation of one of the U.S. Government’s largest social and economic development portfolios in sub-Saharan Africa. She worked to ensure that USAID’s programs and results in economic growth, environment, education, peace and democratic governance, health, population and nutrition were aligned with the U.S. Government’s foreign assistance and national security objectives for Nigeria.
 A senior USAID Foreign Service Officer, Ms. Godette has more than 15 years of service and the rank of counselor. She joined USAID as an attorney-advisor for Africa and served as senior regional legal advisor in Southern Africa and in South America. Ms. Godette then served as assistant general counsel for Asia and the Middle East in USAID’s Office of the General Counsel where she distinguished herself as a senior advisor to Agency leadership.
 Ms. Godette earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in French from Howard University in Washington D.C. and pursued additional linguistics studies at L’Université de Caen in France. She has a Juris Doctor degree from American University Law School. Before joining USAID, she had a successful career as a prosecutor and family law litigator in the D.C. Office of the Attorney General.

Albania Distribution Privatization Program

Duration: August 2007-August 2009
Partners: Advanced Engineering Associates International, Inc. (AEAI)
Geographic Focus: National
Program Description: 
The Albanian electric power sector has suffered from the lack of investment, poor maintenance, and limited capacity for imports. These problems are exacerbated by the inefficient management of the state-owned power utility (KESH), which is in a desperate financial situation, unable to reduce losses and improve collections. The resulting lack of a reliable and adequate supply of electricity has adversely affected Albania's economic growth. To address this prolonged energy crisis, the Government of Albania, with strong support from the donors, has decided to move forward with the privatization of KESH's distribution assets. USAID’s Distribution and Privatization Support Program will assist the GoA, particularly the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Energy, in this effort by developing the necessary legal, regulatory policy, and market frameworks for privatization and building the capacity of the Electricity Regulatory Entity (ERE) to serve as a transparent regulatory body independent of state control. 

"New government is promising"

New government is promising
The names of the new cabinet, as announced by the Prime Minister designate, Edi Rama, has been followed closely by the international factor in Tirana. 

Today’s comment for the new government comes from the Ambassador of the government of Netherland, Martin de Labeij.

“I am impressed to see a larger number of women in the government. I think that many of them are bringing a new experience from the respective fields that have been cultivated in the past. On my opinion, this is a promising cabinet”, De Labeij declared.

The Dutch Ambassador is optimistic that this government will be able to conclude successfully the process of Albania’s European Union candidate status.

“They know their areas very well. The government has used integration as a priority in their agenda. They are expected to work hard. We have not seen the program of the first 300 days yet. As you know, the meeting of the European Union Council of Ministers is held in December and the new government has to work hard. We hope that they will be able to receive the candidate status for Albania”, De Labeij added.

Yesterday it was the United States Embassy in Tirana which greeted the new government and expressed its desire to have a close cooperation with it. 

Beaches to avoid

Beaches to avoid
The Public Health Institution, by order of the Health Ministry, monitored the beaches that are preferred by holiday makers. 

The cleanest beaches for this year are Veliopja and Shengjin. Lab tests made by the Public Health Institution specialists showed that their waters are not polluted.

The water quality in Durres and Ura e Dajlanit has improved, but there are still some areas in Durres that should not be frequented.

“There are good improvements in the Ura e Dajlanit beach, after the construction of the water treatment station. Te problem here is the area where urban waters are poured, in Shkallnuer beach. People should avoid that area”, declared Valbona Bara, head of the water and health sector at the Public Health Institution.

Water in Golem also appeared to be dirty due to the pouring of sewage and urban waters.

“There is a high level of pollution at the Perroi I Agait, where the urbana nd sewage waters are poured, and also at Mali I Robit. People should stay far from these palces”, Bara declared.

The lab tests in Vlore show that the water is polluted in the old beach, while in Saranda it is clear.

“There is pollution at the Marina School, where urban waters are poured. Beaches after the Uji I Ftohte area are much cleaner, such as Dhermi, Saranda and Himara”, Bara added.

The only polluted area in Saranda is near the Cuka Canal. The Public Health Institution notes that private subjects have been showing more responsibility for their sewage waters and the water quality has improved in an overall level. 

Rama-Erdogan, "Excellent meeting"

Rama-Erdogan, Excellent meeting
The Prime Minister designate of Albania, Edi Rama, held this Saturday a meeting with the Turkish homologue, Recep Tayip Erdogan. 

Through an announcement on Twitter, Rama commented the meeting as very positive.

“For two hours and 30 minutes in a meeting with Prime Minister Erdogan and several other Ministers from both parties. A wide cooperation plan under process. Excellent hosts”, Rama declared on his profile.

“One day ago, in an interview for the Turkish CNN Rama declared that Turkey is a strategic partner of Albania and a good example to get followed as regards the positive transformation in the past years.

“We met with Mr.Erdogan before the elections, and his is a name that I value for what he has done in his country. During our conversation he promised to help us as regards the relations between Turkey and Albania.

Together with Italy and Greece, Turkey became a strategic partner of ours. We see Turkey as a strategic partner, and we want to strengthen and develop the relation that we have with your country. We want to benefit from the transformation process that Turkey has experienced in the recent times, and we see it as a model.

The problems that we are facing today, especially in the health and education sectors, are very similar to those faced by Turkey many years ago”, Rama underlined. 

SP for illegal constructions

SP for illegal constructions
From the Socialist Party headquarters, Artan Lame reported what he considered a massacre on the public areas. 

“They are making false documents and adding protocol numbers. They are creating decisions after the due time. For the last month they have created a massacre, but this perverse mechanism will stop this September. The new government will keep its promise. We will legalize for free the houses of the Albanian people in informal areas, through a program that we will introduce within the first 100 days of government. On the other hand, we will legalize nothing on the coastline, and nothing built for profit anywhere in Albania”, Lame declared.

Artan Lame listed the areas where the illegal constructions are still being built. He says that everyone who continues to destroy the Albanian coastline, and those who have realized illegal legalizations in sensitive areas, will all be punished. Lame declared that unfortunately, all green spaces in Tirana have been destroyed as the Socialist Party and the civil society had been reporting.

“We reported the destruction of the Botanic Garden, and it happened. We reported the destruction of the Lake Park, and it happened. The same thing happened with the Elbasan Street and behind the University. We reported the destruction of the Historic Park of Namazgja, and it happened. We reported the destruction of the park at the House of Officers, and it happened. Today we are reporting the construction at the “7 Xhuxhat” children park. The Municipality of Tirana had no courage to implement the legal obligation to inform citizens and face their normal reaction”, he added.

Artan Lame declared that the Prime Minister will introduce in September a national emergency package for the territory, and will declare a new war of the new government for returning the power to the citizens. 

Mandates, CEC gives up

Mandates, CEC gives up
The Central Election Commission, by not having the quorum for distributing the mandate of the June 23rd elections, passed this part just as procedure and left everything to the Electoral College. 

“We will continue with the decision to distribute the mandates for the political parties that run on their own, and the political coalitions in Lezhe. The Central Election Commission does not have the quorum to continue with the passing of this decision”, declared Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission, Lefteri Lleshi.

The representatives of the Socialist Party and Democratic Party held different stances as regards the position that the Central Election Commission has held so far on this process.

“We must gather and decide. The Electoral College cannot decide anything without us sending the case to them, since we don’t have the quorum. The problem is that we have the quorum, but they don’t come here”, declared the Central Election Commission member Hysen Osmanaj.

“Once again, this is a matter that will be valued by the Electoral College, but four votes here are withholding the votes of 4.3 million Albanians”, Gjoncaj declared.

“The responsibility of this decision making is given to the Central Election Commission. If CEC can make good use of this right or not, this is up to the decision making table”, declared Ivi Kaso, legal representative of the Democratic Party at the Central Election Commission.

The Central Election Commission also cast lots for appointing the experts who will monitor the money of the political parties that participated in the June 23rd elections. 

Rama in New York this September

Rama in New York this September
The cooperation between Albania’s next Prime Minister, Edi Rama, and the former Prime Minsiter of Great Britain, Tony Blair, started giving the first fruits, although no concrete terms have been declared. 

Mr. Tony Blair has sent an invitation to Mr.Rama a few days ago, saying:

“Dear Prime Minister. I am writing you to invite you in an event that I am organizing in New York on September, together with Jim Kim, President of the World Bank. This is a private meeting between heads of states to share the experiences of the implementations of successful governments. I would be happy to have you as a participants. As I quickly understood when I became a Prime Minister, one of the biggest challenges is not the decision making with the right strategies, but giving tangible results in practice. This is how simple is turning things to reality. Hence, I since I left the office, I have been focusing on giving effective help to governments throughout the world. I am very happy that Jim Kim of the World Bank has decidedin the heart of his agenda the effective governing, which he has called ‘Science of improving the basic public services’”.

“The activity of this September will gather world leaders to share the experiences that are related to the improvement of public services. This is an opportunity for some of us who had the privilege and challenge to lead some countries, in exchange of thoughts about how to realize our duty in such positions. I don’t expect to find simple answers, but I am faithful that we have what to discuss. Jim and I, we hope that this activity in New York will be the start of a constant dialogue for such matters. I hope to see you in September 23rd in New York”, Blair says in his invitation.

This letter is accompanied by the official invitation for participation in this activity that holds the signatures of Tony Blair and Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank.

“Political leaders, especially the newly elected ones, face great expectancies by their citizens and to give quick results. As most of you might agree with, the real challenges of the government often face a lack of ideas and funds. This work breakfast has been conceived for allowing the political leaders to share their experiences and learn from each other for such challenges”, says that invitation that arrived at the office of the next Prime Minister, Edi Rama. 

Tirana, car burned in front of PM's office

Tirana, car burned in front of PM's office
A vehicle was burned this Thursday in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in Tirana, without causing any damages. 

The flames attracted the attention of passerby citizens, who however kept a safe distance from the burning vehicle.

The flame kept going on until the firefighters put it out and avoided any other damage.

The owner of the car declared that everything started unexpectedly. 

Savings, interests plunge

Savings, interests plunge
The Albanian citizens who save money now profit less than before from the interest rates. Recent official data show that the bank interest rates have fallen to the historic minimums and keep plunging quickly. 

The price of one-year-termed treasury bonds in the recent auction of Bank of Albania have dropped with 5.11%.

This is the lowest level of all time, and people who save in interest bonds will profit 30% less than last year.

But the treasury bonds are not the only savings method that has become less lucrative. Interest rates have fallen even in banks.

According to Bank of Albania, the interest rates for one year deposits dropped to 4.59 in June, and on the same period of last year, this sum was 5.5%. The dropping of the interest rates favors the state budget by decreasing the cost that the government is paying for the debt.

In the first six months the Albanian government paid 1 billion ALL of interests less than the plan, while the saving from interests could reach 6 billion by the end of the year.

Although this is good news for the state finances, the decreased interests for the government’s debt is consequence of the private sector crisis. The interests are falling because the debt for the government is the only way in which banks invest money collected by citizens, since the loan for the private sector is in full stalemate.

In June, the total loan increase was 0.8%, but for the business it was a negative number again. For as long that banks will not credit the private sector, the economy’s profits from the interest rate plunge will be minimal. For most of the families, those who don’t have savings, the shrinking of interests has a cost, because it reduces the incomes.