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Si të “fshish” dikë në Facebook, pa e hequr nga "friends"-at

Nuk duron dot më postime dhe "update"-imet e aplikacioneve që një një miku yt në Facebook vazhdon të publikojë? Apo ju dhe miku/mikesha juaj nuk keni shumë për t'i thënë njëri-tjetrit, por duhet ta mbash "friend" nga halli? Nëse heqja e atij personi nga lista e miqve të duket pak...

Fjolla Morina dhe Zajmina "deklarojnë" se janë lesbike?!

Ndoshta ky eshte provokacioni i radhes nga ana e dy kengetareve te njohura por e sigurt eshte qe kjo foto ka bere nje xhiro te madhe ne Rrjetet sociale ne internet! Mos valle gocat jane lodhur me djemte...?! :) Per me shume ne : https://www.facebook.com/myyalbaniaa ...

About Big!

About BigContacts: BigContacts is a software company that was founded in 2006 with a singular focus on delivering cost-effective and user-friendly CRM Software to help small businesses manage their prospect and customer relationships. BigContacts is now a leading web based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software solution designed for small...

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Mos e merrni seriozisht eshte thjeshte nje loje !  Funny foto .. Na dniqni ne facebook : ====> https://www.facebook.com/myyalbani...

Me ke po puthet Sinani?

Pas duetit “Adrenalina” këngëtarët Sinan Hoxha dhe Seldi Qalliu, duket që janë ndier vërtet të ekzaltuar në ditët në vazhdim, ndërsa janë fotografuar tek festojnë në prag të festave të fundvitit në një nga lokalet e njohur në Tiranë. Ai është shprehur për “Panorama Plus”...

(VIDEO) – Shqiptari therrë me thikë gjeneralin serb, pergjegjës për krimet në Srebrenicë

Shqiptari therrë me thikë gjeneralin serb, pergjegjës për krimet në Srebrenicë. Sulmi eshte kryer si hakmarrje ndaj masakres se Srebrenices qe kryen serbet. ...

E dini si u be e famshme kjo kengetare?

Ata apo ato, qe e quajne veten "yje", dhe i kane vetes detyre te bejne emer ne fushen e kenges e te muzikes, kane gjetur nje metode te re pune, duke "kobashitur" tekse e melodi nga te tjeret, jo vetem nga fqinjet, por kapercejne edhe dete e oqeane deri ne Amerike per te huazuar...

What conceal men from women?

Understand some things, for others are ready to learn everything he ç’bluan head. But it is now easier with 11 former revealed their secrets.Secret no. 1: Yes, they attracted 10 times a day from other women, but that does not mean that we do not wantIf the oldest question in the...

Betrayal: Women prefer men with belly

Beautiful body, with muscles and palestruar: everyone thinks that this is an image of a man who would “çmendte” every woman. But it seems that things have changed. A recent survey has shown that women “prefer” to have a passionate story of men who have betrayed the abdomen. Find...

Vlorë County , Best ever

The County of Vlorë (Albanian: Qarku i Vlorës) is one of the 12 counties ofAlbania. It consists of the districts Delvinë, Sarandë and Vlorë and its capital isVlorë.[2] As of January 1, 2010 the population of the Vlore District was estimated to be 211,773.[1] Vlorë's western and...

Come on to Dhermi

Dhërmi (Greek: Δρυμάδες, Drymades) is one of the nine villages of the Himararegion/municipality, in Albania. The village lies 42 kilometers south of the city of Vlorë(the capital of the Prefecture) and about the same distance north of the southern city of Sarandë. The village...

Players vs. Animals

Professional athletes are usually pretty competitive individuals. If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be professional athletes to begin with. A serious competitive drive is one of the fundamentals of the job.Another characteristic most of them share is a healthy ego. A very...

Morning Sex

Your woman most likely does not want to be greeted immediately by your erect peenish waving in her face, so take it easy. Touch her softly and slowly. Give her little kisses all over her face and body. Let your fingers play with her hair. This sensual approach will ensure that she...

Berisha: “Trust us so we can keep building” – English Edition

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, visited some communes in Mat, Diber, where he inaugurated an aqueduct that will offer tap water to 2000 residents. The new road at the Lis commune, Mat, besides bringing out of isolation thousands of residents, reveals a new wonderful panorama of the area. The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, decalred...

Station Domination, HumaneWatch Style

If you live in the D.C. area and commute on the Metro, you probably have no shortage of gripes, whether it’s waiting 8 minutes for a train during rush hour, cars without A/C, tourists who don’t understand “walk left, stand right,” the ancient trains, or simply the weird smells. But...

HSUS is There—Padding its Bank Account

Of all the self-serving promotions that the Humane Society of the United States churns out—and it puts out a lot, with CharityWatch finding that HSUS spends up to a whopping 48 cents to raise every dollar—the most nauseating is perhaps HSUS’s new motto of “We’re There,” which is...

Sanctions Tethered to Law Firm in Failed Circus Case

We wrote last week about the court order finding that animal rights groups, including the Fund for Animals, an affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States, are liable for yet-undetermined attorneys’ fees after their lengthy and failed litigation against Feld Entertainment,...

Injunction extended on Wisconsin abortion law

Injunction extended on Wisconsin abortion law A federal judge extended a preliminary injunction Friday blocking a Wisconsin law that would require abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinics and a mandatory ultrasound before a woman receives an abortion. U.S. District Judge William Conley issued...

Packers kickers battle at packed Lambeau

GREEN BAY — Mason Crosby chuckled when Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy inadvertently referred to Giorgio Tavecchio, Crosby's young adversary this summer, as "Sergio" this week. Crosby will be just fine as long as he sees his name listed in some form on the Packers' season-opening roster in about a month. The seventh-year veteran is being...

Right-Wing Involved in Spies’Accusations

“Pole of Freedom” to Sue DP Vice-ChairmanThe Right-wing representatives were involved on Friday in mutual accusations over the candidacy of former State Sigurimi (Intelligence Service) collaborators. The head of “Pole of Freedom”, Aleksandër Meksi accused the representatives of Democratic Party (DP)of being former Sigurimi collaborators while the DP...


Blerta Sulhasi, Health and Social Welfare Group FellowBlerta’s HF leadership project aimed to establish a School-based Psychological Services Program, removing barriers to adolescents’ access to mental health services, and preventing and treating mental and emotional health problems among youth. The project, by design, identifies, prevents, and treats...

SOS Children Villages Kosovo became a full member of SOS Kinderdorf International

Certificate of Membership – in July 2012, SOS Children Villages Kosovo became a full member of SOS Kinderdorf International. Certificate was handed over to National Director, Ms. Ramadani-Salihu (Hope Fellow) by the President of SOS KDI Mr. Helmut Kutin at the General Assembly in...


May is Mental Health Month, the theme to which is ‘Pathways to wellness. This month will give us focus on raising public awareness about the importance of mental health in people’s lives.Kosovo has an urgent need to promote and improve mental health care programming, including treatment and awareness programs, instead of merely allowing the shame and...

Welcome to Hope Fellowships

Hope Fellowship was established by the National Albanian American Council (NAAC) and is funded from the American People through USAID to strengthen the role of women in policy and decision-making in the Balkans. The program operates in Kosovo, empowering women leaders to create collaborative, sustainable, positive change in government, civil society,...


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Michelle Godette was sworn in today as the U.S. Agency for International Development Mission Director to Guinea and Sierra Leone. The mission is based in Conakry, Guinea, but supports programs in both Guinea and Sierra Leone in agriculture, democracy and human rights, environment, gender equality, and global health.  Prior...

Albania Distribution Privatization Program

Duration: August 2007-August 2009 Partners: Advanced Engineering Associates International, Inc. (AEAI) Geographic Focus: National Program Description: The Albanian electric power sector has suffered from the lack of investment, poor maintenance, and limited capacity...

"New government is promising"

The names of the new cabinet, as announced by the Prime Minister designate, Edi Rama, has been followed closely by the international factor in Tirana. Today’s comment for the new government comes from the Ambassador of the government of Netherland, Martin de Labeij.“I am...

Beaches to avoid

The Public Health Institution, by order of the Health Ministry, monitored the beaches that are preferred by holiday makers. The cleanest beaches for this year are Veliopja and Shengjin. Lab tests made by the Public Health Institution specialists showed that their waters are...

Rama-Erdogan, "Excellent meeting"

The Prime Minister designate of Albania, Edi Rama, held this Saturday a meeting with the Turkish homologue, Recep Tayip Erdogan. Through an announcement on Twitter, Rama commented the meeting as very positive.“For two hours and 30 minutes in a meeting with Prime Minister Erdogan...

SP for illegal constructions

From the Socialist Party headquarters, Artan Lame reported what he considered a massacre on the public areas. “They are making false documents and adding protocol numbers. They are creating decisions after the due time. For the last month they have created a massacre, but...

Mandates, CEC gives up

The Central Election Commission, by not having the quorum for distributing the mandate of the June 23rd elections, passed this part just as procedure and left everything to the Electoral College. “We will continue with the decision to distribute the mandates for the political...

Rama in New York this September

The cooperation between Albania’s next Prime Minister, Edi Rama, and the former Prime Minsiter of Great Britain, Tony Blair, started giving the first fruits, although no concrete terms have been declared. Mr. Tony Blair has sent an invitation to Mr.Rama a few days ago, saying:“Dear...

Tirana, car burned in front of PM's office

A vehicle was burned this Thursday in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in Tirana, without causing any damages. The flames attracted the attention of passerby citizens, who however kept a safe distance from the burning vehicle.The flame kept going on until the firefighters...

Savings, interests plunge

The Albanian citizens who save money now profit less than before from the interest rates. Recent official data show that the bank interest rates have fallen to the historic minimums and keep plunging quickly. The price of one-year-termed treasury bonds in the recent auction...